My Precious
Hi dear bloggies, i dont think anyone would read this. Blogs is so outdated now in year 2023. Now the current famous media social platform were TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and a lot more which i dont signup.
Having a working life and as a wife for past 5 years, its been wonderful experience and adventurous.
For past years been trying to conceive hence i started IVF ICSI journey since last year 2022. But embryo transfer only done in march 2023. However with the given successful rate of 40%, our IVF baby failed. Hmmm. So, we decide to take it slow and spend more time berdua.
Despite a busy life. We still able to went for sweet escape staycation slash vacation to ease the working tension.
Here we go penang. Pegi dengan mama and mak ngah. Check in kt georgetown. Pastu banyak jalan2 cari makan. Makan nasik kandar, rojak pasembor padang kota, and playing tourist. Went to escape park, playing all the game. 🤪
Then, pergi sunway lagoon. Playing in the theme park. Having so much fun.
Then, joining kembara basikal to kedah. As a medical standby. So duduk kat dlm pajero sje. Fortunately, no injury sepanjang kembara. Fuhhh😂
Then, last but not least went oversea to Hatyai Thailand riding motorcycle. All the way from KL to Hatyai. Its a beautiful experience. Nice place for shopping. But having said that, went riding motorcycle luggage capacity limited. Hence tak boleh la nak shopping beriya. Alamat kalo shopping sakan nak kene junjung plak plastik sepanjang perjalanan pulang. Hahahhahahahha xde koje kome.
Pastu sis pun gelabah ayam. Haaa. Pastu ttbe spotting. Pergila scan kat klinik GP. Scan tgok ok ET thick tp xnampak IUGS.
Hmmm. Pastu drpd spotting terus progress jd PV bleeding. Mcm normal menses. So repeated scan empty uterus. UPT pun dah negative. Hmmmm
Gmbar scan ada tp cm emm nak share buatpeeee. Takde apa.
Sekian lah kehadiran my precious skjap dalam rahim aku. Cmne eh, if dia ada skjap, pastu maybe penempelan xberjaya, so, dia tu jadi anak yg tggu kt syurga ke?
Entah lah ek. So this is my 2023 recap. Banyak lagi benda yang berlaku. But lets enter 2024, with new motivation. New books and write more new chapter.
Akhiri blog writing sy dengan lagu nowplaying in my playlist MoralOfTheStory by Ashe.
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