this blog happen to be for......
to whoever yg bce blog nie.. nape korg bce ekk?? hahahha.. bukan ape.. tak marah punnn.. sy suke... cume pelik sbb tak penah pn updates yg besh2.. huk3.. sy takde sense of humor and imagination and those fantasies yg smpai bintang tuh...
nak motivate org diri sendiri pun kelaut.. muauahahhaha.. so tak rasa boleh motivate org..
tp most followers are my beloved friends yg nak taw updates sy now and then.. tp sy jarang post update pasal diri sy pn sbb ta reti na cter cmne or ape.. takna cter pasal study, sbb t ape jua yg kubuat pasal mnde tuh, ish tak fun.. cter pasal my beloved aswat, t korg muntah ijau, nyampah, aku nie dah la jiwang berkarat berkeladak.. cter pasal family, tooo private to share plak.. hmmm.. susa kannn... heheheh..
tak tahulah ape function aku menulis blog nie.. nak kata function as diaries mmg tak lah.. bnyk kot nak cter.. dan aku tulis ape mesti korg tak berapa paham bhse tak lengkap aku yg assume everyone understand.. heheh
maybe function as place where i wanna share something which i found interesting and i think others would also find that interesting.. agree ??
so here, aku bce secara reverse blog2 org.. so found this one link of post yg sngt cm korg tengok lah kalo korg interested.. dont promise me forever..
thats all for today.. hopes sape yg bce tuh comment blog ni sebenarnye function sbg ape brdasarkan observation korg2.. as for me, still undefined blog i ni function as what.. hmmm.. hik3.. hahahha.. sape faham nape aku gelak ?? huhu...
till then..
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diriku yg makin hari makin comelzz.. huhu.. tp ta gemok2... |
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bile gambar edit bt aku jd berseri seri.. ahax~ |
all the gamba credit to tag2 yg aku dpt kat fb form jiha my roommate...
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